A downloadable project

Matty Flavells <Local> Party

My Name is Matty Flavell

Here's my Address If you wanna come around, even around and around again!:

4 Chesney Drive Rolleston, New Zealand

Email Me: mattyflavell@gmail.com

Phone Me At: 0212171409

Please ring me anytime!, don't hold back! whether you want to party or if you want to Join a LAN server on Krunker or Minecraft, I am just the guy for you!

You can come around Monday To Sunday Around 12:00pm to 10:00pm!

I am payed to play games at home and I am a professional gamer, I am friends with heaps of famous youtubers!!

If you wanna come around to mine, you don't have to ask! just come! no confirmation required, FYI

I am a party animal.

Matty Flavell aka ThePartyAnimal

Enjoy! Visit Me ANY time!

You have to be 13+ to come to this local party.